Presenting in the following sessions:
Oct 18, 2024
The Fight to Protect and Preserve Tribal Sacred Sites and Cultural Resources for Future Generations
10:45 AM-12:15 PM
The panel will discuss litigation and non-litigation efforts that tribes are undertaking to protect people and lands from resource development projects that threaten irreversible harm to places that hold spiritual, traditional, and cultural value to Indigenous communities. Join three panel members for presentations on protecting and preserving sacred sites in the face of resource extraction, hazardous military sites, and other infringements.
CLE Credits Pending
Sam Daughety
Dentons US LLP
Sam Daughety is a member of Dentons’ Public Policy and Regulation practice and Native American Law and Policy practice. Sam advises clients on complex Indian lands, water rights, and gaming issues, including tribal-state compacts and related agreements, the fee-to-trust process, leasing, regulatory compliance, water settlement negotiation and implementation, and tribal governmental and administrative matters. He regularly assists clients in developing viable strategic solutions in the face of legislative, regulatory, and court challenges. Throughout his career, Sam has advised clients on all manner of legal and policy issues relating to the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and has represented tribes and tribal interests in trial and appellate court proceedings involving the ICWA in multiple states.
Prior to joining Dentons, Sam served as an assistant attorney general for the Tohono O’odham Nation, a federally recognized Indian tribe. In that capacity, he advised the Nation’s legislative council, executive branch and departments on a wide variety of matters related to federal Indian law.