Presenting in the following sessions:
Oct 18, 2024
The Fight to Protect and Preserve Tribal Sacred Sites and Cultural Resources for Future Generations
10:45 AM-12:15 PM
The panel will discuss litigation and non-litigation efforts that tribes are undertaking to protect people and lands from resource development projects that threaten irreversible harm to places that hold spiritual, traditional, and cultural value to Indigenous communities. Join three panel members for presentations on protecting and preserving sacred sites in the face of resource extraction, hazardous military sites, and other infringements.
CLE Credits Pending
Chase Velasquez
White Mountain Apache Tribe
Senior Associate
Rothstein Donatelli, LLP
Chase Velasquez is an Associate with Rothstein Donatelli LLP. Chase is an enrolled member of the White Mountain Apache Tribe and was raised on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation. He received his law degree from the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law in Tucson, AZ. Most recently Chase served as Assistant Attorney General for the San Carlos Apache Tribe, as well as the Tribe’s Special Assistant U.S. Attorney, where he assisted with the prosecution of federal major crimes arising on the San Carlos Apache Reservation in the U.S. District Court of Arizona. Chase began his career as a legal fellow for Professor S. James Anaya, the former United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, where he assisted with the legal representation of Maya Indigenous peoples and villages in Belize to secure and protect land rights. Additionally, Chase previously served as a Visiting Clinical Law Professor and the Interim Director of the American Indian Law Program at the University of Colorado Law School. Chase has taught Tribal Nation Economics and Law at the University of Idaho College of Law and International Indigenous Law at Mitchell Hamline School of Law as an adjunct. In 2023, the White Mountain Apache Tribal Council appointed Chase as a Judge for the White Mountain Apache Tribal Court of Appeals.