8:45-9:00am ET Welcome and Announcements
Click a speaker's name to read their biography
9:00-10:15am ET Shifting the Balance of Power: Self Governance and Consultation
Rob Roy Smith, Partner, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP
Geoff Strommer, Partner, Hobbs, Straus, Dean & Walker, LLP
Debrah Gee, Navajo Nation and Muscogee (Creek) Nation, Chief Counsel for the Chickasaw Nation Office of Tribal Justice Administration
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-11:45am ET Party or Amicus? Deciding When Your Tribal Nation Should Participate in Litigation
Paul Spruhan, Assistant Attorney General, Navajo Nation DOJ
Chrissi Nimmo, Cherokee Nation, Deputy Attorney General for Cherokee Nation
Meghan Topkok, Iñupiaq, Staff Attorney for Kawerak, Inc.
11:45-12:45pm Lunch
Motion in the Adoptive Couple case
Amicus Cherokee Nation filed:
SCOTUS Castro-Huerta (McGirt): Cherokee Nation only
SCOTUS Murphy/McGirt: Cherokee Nation lead, joined by others
SCOTUS Cooley: Joined other tribes
Amicus Cherokee Nation Declined:
Amicus we declined: 21-1226 Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe, et al. v. Blue Cross Blue Shield of MI (Sixth Circuit)
Intervention instead of Amicus:
Intervention sought but denied (even though court found us required party): Oklahoma v. Tyson
12:45-2:00pm ET Advocacy Strategies: The Law Clerk Perspective
Moderator: Rodina Cave Parnall, Pre-Law Summer Institute Director, American Indian Law Center, Inc.
Lydia Locklear, Deputy Tribal Attorney for the Catawba Nation
Joaquin Ray Gallegos, Judicial Clerk for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit
Alexander Mallory, Alexander Mallory, Judicial Clerk
U.S. District Court, District of Arizona
Roshanna Toya, Judicial Clerk for the New Mexico Court of Appeals
2:00-2:15 Break
2:15-3:30pm ET Egregious Misconduct
Matthew L.M. Fletcher, Director of the Indigenous Law & Policy Center, Michigan State University College of Law
Egregious Misconduct Comic Book (Fletcher)
3:30 End of Conference